Kids Dentistry


Kids Dentistry

We like to credit Benjamin Franklin with our practice philosophy when it comes to children’s dental needs… “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

Establishing excellent Oral Hygiene and dietary habits early on, can lead to a lifetime of beautiful healthy teeth.

With the Government establishing the new Children's’ Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), some of the financial burden has been lifted for eligible families.  We are more than happy to call Medicare for you to see if you are eligible to access funding through the CDBS. We are Bulk Billing under this initiative which offers $1095 over 2 calendar years for children aged 2-17 years..

We practice Minimal Intervention when it comes to the need for fillings in children's baby (deciduous) teeth.  Quite often, if the cavity is caught early, a baby tooth can be “nursed along” by instructing parents in careful Oral Hygiene. This, combined with the use of advanced re-mineralization products now available, can buy time until it is ready to fall out (exfoliate) on its own.

This not only saves your child from the trauma of having a filling, it can work out significantly less expensive for the parents.  This is not always possible, but it’s nice to know the option may be available.

The last thing you want, as a parent (or a dentist) is to have a child’s very first experience at the dentist be a traumatic one, after they have fallen off their bike and broken their front teeth.  With this in mind, getting kids used to the dentist from a young age (around 2 years old), is a great idea. This lets them know that a routine visit to the dentist is no big deal. It is one of the best ways to make a parents’ life easier if and when something does go wrong.

For major treatment requirements in children's dental, where there is a very real risk of creating unnecessary trauma to your child, we would refer your child to one of our recommended Paediatric Dental Specialists.  Here you will find there is a range of sedation options available, thus reducing the risk of creating a “dental phobic”.