Distinguished Service Award – ADAQ

We are extremely proud to announce that at the 2016 ADAQ Annual Clinic Day, our very own Dr Martin Webb was the recipient of the ADAQ Distinguished Service Award. Presented to just 19 individuals in the Association’s 110 year history, it really is a huge pat on the back.
The Distinguished Service Award is presented to individuals with an outstanding, ongoing history of service to the Dental Profession. It is a reflection of Martin’s commitment to the promotion of the field of dentistry in Australia. With over 20 years of voluntary work with numerous committees and councils at both State and Federal levels, Martin’s commitment to the industry just can’t be denied.
The Annual Clinic Day was held at the Brisbane Exhibition & Convention Centre on November 25. It provided a chance for the entire staff of BHDS to receive advanced professional development from a varied range of guest speakers. Attended by over 100 dentists from around the state, it was the perfect occassion for the presentation.
Congratulations Martin, we are very proud of you.